The Story Behind CoachFirewalker

I am a Firewalker. 

The experience changed my life. 

This is my story.

” I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination…”

Hello, life presents many experiences. I was fortunate enough to have tried many activities with great life changing results.

Firewalking is something not everyone would want to do. To me this is a serious challenge on my ability to overcome my fears and test my commitment. This is my story.

Some 25 years ago, I was serving in the Navy doing relatively well on the job but nothing to crow about. My career advancement was at a normal pace and not exactly at a break-neck speed. Life was good and the Navy treated me well, but the spark was missing. I was looking for something that can get me out of the routine life.

One day, I chanced upon a Mind Management Course and it was with great reluctance that I signed up. I was sceptical, but I was also curious. It was during this Mind Management Course that I did a Firewalk. Yes, I walked over a stretch of hot burning coal on fire and came out unscathed. It was a very powerful life changing experience. Once I could internalize the experience of the Firewalk, my view of life and everything around me changed. It changed for the better. My career advancement took off almost at a staggering pace. The secret is that if I could muster the confidence of walking the fire, there is almost nothing that can stand in my way to achieve success in whatever I chose to do. Life is all about choices. Very often we set limits on ourselves because we feel that we are not good enough. It is about digging deep to emerge as a better version of yourself.

I have spent my last 20 years in senior leadership positions in both the public and private sectors. I have had multiple successful careers, first in the military, next in consulting and IT industry as a C level management and eventually managing US listed companies and also leading and starting up privately own companies. My experience is intentionally broad based, ranging from IT software and technology, commercial and defense training systems, medical and healthcare and energy technology and research.

My focus is on growing people. I am at a stage to be able to give back to make a difference in someone’s life. Although coaching is a discipline that is backed by proper methodologies and coaching tools, it is important that I am able to translate the coaching experience into a practical and mutually trusting relationship. Conversations can be in a safe and less theoretical environment. Nothing can substitute real life experience of been there, done that. Now is the time to give back and walk the journey to an extra-ordinary life with someone like you.

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